(Not unlike the Lemony Snicket series, this is the first in a series of stories outlining the unfortunate decisions made in alarming frequency by a certain Ill-fated Daughter).
Our story begins when the Afflicted Mother is enjoying a Rare Evening Out. Mid-point in the evening, she gets a text msg from Ill-fated Daughter who is attending a hockey game with Friend Jess. The Goon Squad Boys are playing.
Ill-fated Daughter begs to have a change of plans and return home with Friend Jess and sleep over at her house. Afflicted Mother agrees and lays down the regular ground rules—these include calling in with the house phone number of friend, assuring that the friend’s parents’ are in agreement with aforementioned plan, and lack of permission to change locations once there. Ill-fated Daughter agrees to all conditions most fervently. Afflicted Mother’s red light pulses slightly due to a) quick plan changes at last moment b) potential for Goon Squad Boy involvement and c) Ill-fated Daughter’s fervor.
Ill-fated Daughter checks in with Afflicted Mother at 10:30 pm. The poor thing is feeling Very Fatigued. She and Friend Jess are renting a movie, feeling sleepy and both have to work early the next day. Afflicted Mother is assured that Friend Jess’s parents are home but also very tired and going to bed. Afflicted Mother’s red light glimmers faintly…Ill-fated Daughter is NEVER. EVER. TIRED.
Afflicted Mother goes to bed and sleeps dreamlessly knowing her children are safe and where they should be. The next morning, Ill-fated Daughter bounces into the house at 8:30 a.m. looking like a million bucks. Chatty and animated, she high-tails to her room to ready herself for work. Afflicted Mother’s red light glows.
Afflicted Mother drops Ill-fated Daughter at the grocery store where she works, parks and follows her in to pick up some groceries. Ill-fated Daughter sprints ahead to deli counter where Friend Jess is already working and has Quick Words. Jess glances quickly at Afflicted Mother and immediately averts eyes. Afflicted Mother’s red light surges on full power.
Afflicted Mother immediately returns home and picks up the phone to call the Mother of Friend Jess. Jess’s mother is deeply surprised to hear that Ill-fated Daughter has spent the night in HER house. According to her, an after-hockey party had been held and both girls had attended. When her own daughter returned from this event, she informed her mother that Ill-fated Daughter’s plans had changed and she was no longer sleeping over at Jess’s house.
AHA! Afflicted Mother has COMPLETELY BUSTED Ill-fated Daughter and Ill-fated Daughter doesn’t yet have a CLUE!!
Stay tuned for next in the series entitled More Misfortune.
Not in Avignon, but where?
8 years ago